Episode 18: The Fungus Olympics Part 2

Welcome back, citizen!

Today, we revisit the exciting Fungus Olympics event and take a short trip around the world to talk to some competitors. This is part 2 of the series, where I speak with the contestants before they’ve run their fungi through the obstacles. In parts 3 and 4, we’ll check in with our competitors to see how their fungi fared. If you missed part 1, check out episode 15 for a rundown of the event.

My guests this time are: 

Dr. Shiv Kale at Virginia Tech
Dr. Daniel Henk at the University of Bath
Dr. David Peris from the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology in Spain

Learn more about the episode topics:
The Fungus Olympics
Wild Yeasts found in Patagonia

Thank you to Dr. Kale, Dr. Henk, and Dr. Peris for telling me all about their fungus Olympians! and to my mom for helping me spread the word about Lichen Landscapes (get 10% off your order with code: FUNGITOWN). Check back in a few days for a full transcript of this episode.

Fungi Town is written, directed and produced by Jen Parrilli and hosted on Podbean. Theme music is by the awesome Athens, GA band Shehehe. Sound effects and other background music accessed via a Creative Commons license.

You can find Fungi Town on Facebook. Twitter, and Instagram: @fungitownpod or email at fungitownpod[at]gmail[dot]com. Check out the new YouTube channel! Once the channel hits 100 subscribers, I’ll be doing a fantastic fungi giveaway!

Thanks for listening!

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